
New feature in my program

if (second()%10==0){
 for(int y=0; y<height; y++){
 for(int x=0; x<width; x++){
 if (abs(brightness(motionD[width*y+x])-brightness(get(x,y)))>20){
 println("Different"+counter);//number of differnt pix


This program check the pixel every 10 second and if the brightnesses are significantly different this program return huge number.

It is possible to apply this program to detect a existence of human in front of static background.



This program allows you to play a movie.

However, in reality, the program can not a play a movie itself but an image sequence.

I rendered 48233 jpeg frames and played with this program. it worked fine.

The each image should be small. In case of mine, they are 50Kb.

If you use good quality JPEG or PNG like 400kb, the processing can not handle them in real time. (my computer has xeon 5355 - 2.66Ghz)

The program requires fullscreen library. If you do not have it, got to http://www.superduper.org/processing/fullscreen_api/ . It basically works good in my workstation. (nvidia quadro 5600)

Also you need to create a font file TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT-48.vlw
